Windward Islands Squadron progress

Just a very quick update on the Windward Islands campaign. I’ve managed to get some more ships painted up, though they still need varnishing, ensigns and rigging. These will probably be split between the French and British so that Henry and I can start getting some games in. Now I’ve found a method I’m happyContinue reading “Windward Islands Squadron progress”

Every hand to his rope or gun…

“England is under threat of invasion, and though we be on the far side of the world, this ship is our home. This ship, is England. So it’s every hand to his rope or gun, quick’s the word and sharp’s the action.“ Captain Jack Aubrey It’s been a few weeks since my last post, a natural consequence ofContinue reading “Every hand to his rope or gun…”

Wings at War: Planes and Trains

Although I’m developing a set of period-specific rules for my Paraguay, I’m also working on amendments to Wings at War: Duel of Aces to share with the Wings at War facebook group. I doubt anyone will play the variation, as it is very niche, but sharing ideas and projects is sort of the whole pointContinue reading “Wings at War: Planes and Trains”

The 3:10 to Yaguarón – Part 1

Just a quick update to show some work in progress. One of the features of the air war in Paraguay in 1922 was the number of attacks on trains. In a sparsely populated country with poor roads, both side used trains extensively for troop movements and resupply, so it was only natural that I hadContinue reading “The 3:10 to Yaguarón – Part 1”

Patrick Hassett and Nicola Bo

As I’ve got my Government Air Arm Ansaldos almost finished, I thought I’d share some more stories of the pilots that flew them. Patrick Hassett Born in County Clare, Ireland on Saint Patrick’s Day 1899, Patrick Hassett was another who seemed to yearn for adventure. His service record is available through the National Archives, butContinue reading “Patrick Hassett and Nicola Bo”

Stewart and Cusmanich

The air war during the Paraguayan Revolution of 1922 attracted all manner of adventurers, mercenaries and patriots. Two such men, one a Paraguayan national loyal to the government of President Eusebio Ayala, the other his English friend yearning for adventure, Sergeant Francisco Cusmanich and Captain Sydney Stewart. Cusmanich had been running a flying school whenContinue reading “Stewart and Cusmanich”

Viva la Revolución

I’m still waiting for the Paraguayan decals to come from Dan at, but at least I can finish the Rebels’ planes as they had no identifying marks whatsoever. These are Ansaldos, a fast aircraft built in Italy. They were originally intended as front-line fighters, but although they were pretty manoeuvrable their speed and ceilingContinue reading “Viva la Revolución”

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