Fokker Scourge? My arse!

Lt. Jager coaxed the Albatros off the ground, already he could see the British aeroplane going around for a second pass and he felt utterly helpless and alone. When he’d landed in the tiny field on the Allied side of the lines he’d turned to wish the agent he was carrying good luck, but alreadyContinue reading “Fokker Scourge? My arse!”

The Last Roar: Maps

“So, this is it, gentlemen; we are going to war again. And it may be our last hurrah” Commander Lionel Bartlett let his words sink in. There was murmuring amongst the assembled squadron commanders, an air of excitement mixed with trepidation familiar to all from their service in Korea. “This will be our area ofContinue reading “The Last Roar: Maps”

Tea and Medals

Thursday 19th August, 1915 F/Sgt. Illingworth, adrenaline and fear coursing through his veins as they were, couldn’t help but smile. Again Lt. Williams had brought the F.B.5 round into a perfect firing position, this time on the unfamiliar little monoplane’s tail, and all the while he could catch Williams’ deep bass singing over the soundContinue reading “Tea and Medals”

A Scottish Airman foresees his Death

Wednesday 18th August, 1915 “Keep you’re bloody eyes peeled, sergeant!” Captain Flyte strained to see over his shoulder; the Albatros was behind them now, its rear gunner firing at the gunbus. Sgt. Vickers hadn’t even been able to shoot as the German biplane had twisted out of their grasp. “Hell’s bells”, Flyte muttered. He wasContinue reading “A Scottish Airman foresees his Death”

C/1, see them all…

Sunday 1st August, 1915 “What the Hell are these?”, murmured Schafer as he watched the rest of the abteilung coming in to land, “I thought we were getting Roland two-seaters?” Zimmermann sighed, “Evidently there has been a change”. The first aeroplane, an Albatros, had landed and was taxiing to the hangers, the pilot giving aContinue reading “C/1, see them all…”

Meet the Fokkers

Saturday 31st July, 1915 After about half an hour Leutnant Schafer had started to get used to the sensitive controls; when he’d first pulled the stick back when taking off he’d nearly stalled as the Eindecker pitched violently up. He’d pushed the stick forward again instantly and nearly flew into the ground and had toContinue reading “Meet the Fokkers”

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